local governments and 360 degree camera solutions

Local Governments

How Mosaic’s 360 cameras for local governments are benefiting towns around the world.

Expert Opinion: Local Government Specialist Praises Mosaic

Video showcases of infrastructure surveying and street view-type inventory

Whether at the town or city level, the Mosaic 360 cameras for local governments are helping collect, evaluate, and garner insight from data about their communities to better serve local businesses and citizens.

Infrastructure inspections and inventory

Infrastructure such as roads, utilities, and buildings require near constant surveying and maintenance in order to ensure that they are operating at top capacity and in the safest way possible.

However, performing inspections and surveying is extremely labor- and time-intensive and can cost local governments a lot of time and money just to plan them, not to mention taking the proper measures to act on the needs of the site in question. 

The Mosaic 360 cameras for local governments offer the most advanced cameras in the field which will keep them up-to-date on the state of roads and buildings.

In addition, with the potential for object detection, classification, and identification, the number of assets found in the municipality can be tallied up and gauged as to whether more or less are necessary in a given area. This extends to street lights, traffic signals, and utility poles.

cars on road near buildings during daytime
person taking photo of fire during night time

Identification of potential risks

What is the job of local governments than to manage and avoid potential risks for their citizens?

Providing suitable care for residents requires a great deal of information and data which until recently was not available. Now there are technologies which are able to assist governmental agencies and offices steer clear of hazardous conditions. This can include identifying dangerous road or building conditions with continuous updates to the street view images of the highest quality available.

Risky situations involving crowds gathered at local events or going about their normal routine can be better supervised and prepared for when using information provided by our camera. Police and security will know about all available entry and exit locations and whether or not narrow alleys are wide enough for the vehicles, as the Mosaic 51 can capture all of this and more.

Offer better services to citizens

Without proper information, proper decisions cannot be made.

Rather than wasting precious time, money, and energy on determining the services that residents want and need, real-time knowledge about the daily habits of local residents can give better insight into what services are necessary. By capturing the availability of free or used parking spaces and lots, governments can choose where and when to add additional on-street parking or parking lots.

Knowledge of traffic flow can aid in the creation of more efficient transportation and transit for both public services and private vehicles, thus saving local residents precious time on the road.

cars on road near buildings during daytime