Media and Entertainment

How 360 cameras for entertainment and media are revolutionizing the VFX and gaming worlds with 'impossible worlds'.

Expert Opinion: Technology Specialists Praise Mosaic

Read case studies on how Mosaic camera systems are making a significant impact in the movie industry.

Watch how Real World Environments are Captured in Minutes with Mosaic Viking

In order to stay competitive, VFX studios and gaming companies need to find better ways to create virtual worlds for filming and video games. Rather than building from scratch – see how using a 360-degree camera can do it better, faster, and cheaper.

Realistic Environment Creation

True-to-life virtual worlds created with real images from our world.

Whether in developing a new (video) game, updating an old one, designing the set for the next animation blockbuster, visual effect artists need to create realistic environments.

Customers and users are demanding ultra high resolution, realistic scenes which make them feel that they are in the game or film. It adds to the intensity of the game, increasing both the thrill of the experience as well as the retention of the user.

silhouette of people holding umbrella
man in white crew neck t-shirt wearing black sunglasses

Reference / Look-back Footage

Gather data now to use later for reference.

Many visual effect artists depend on reference footage collected of the environment for use later in post production to fill in gaps in scenes, extend the physical frames of an image or add extra visual details to the environment.

With Mosaic’s 13K resolution cameras, directors and artists can rest assured that they have collected the highest resolution images to use later. They can confidently collect the data once and reference it later on.

Accurate Recovery of the Camera Track

Robust camera tracking plays a key role in augmented video or realistic live footage capture.

For accurate recovery of the camera track, it is necessary to recover the frame to frame position of the live action camera. This is a challenging task when working with images from multiple cameras. Some methods involve fusing the information from multiple cameras into a joint 3D motion calculation.

With one 360-degree camera that possesses overlapping sensors around the body of the camera, it is possible to achieve this in a meaningful way and lead to more robust object tracking and recognition.

person holding clapperboard